Congratulations and welcome!


In 2013, Greenbook created the Insight Innovation Exchange (IIEX), a unique event series built on the principle that it takes collaboration, innovation, and honest conversation to move our industry forward.

IIEX is more than a conference — it’s a mindset. Our events are forums in which the most important insights innovations will be revealed, demonstrated, debated, and championed.


(Click below to read more about all we’ve done in the last ten years of IIEX.)

Events | GreenBook

As an IIEX Speaker, you are **co-creating

THE FUTURE OF INSIGHTS with attendees.**

Here are some guidelines* to help you succeed:

<aside> 👏 Do these things 1. Inspire 2. Engage 3. Elevate


<aside> 🚫 Do NOT do these things 1. Sell 2. Promote 3. Pitch


*Sponsors of Demo Sessions and/or finalists in our Insight Innovation Competition have different/unique guidelines. Reach out anytime for more info on how best to prepare for those unique opportunities.

Here is a more detailed look at our expectations:

Remember, we are here for you!

It’s okay to be nervous; on some level, every speaker is. Please feel free to reach out to us as you prepare to take the stage — *your success is our success; we are vested in YOU!

Also … please* review the IIEX Presentation Deck Guidelines by clicking here

<aside> 👉 Karen Lynch, Head of Content [email protected]


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Go the extra mile by checking out these resources!

How to Give a Killer Presentation

Council Post: Speaking At An Industry Event? 12 Tips For Making A Memorable Speech